Wednesday, May 25, 2011

They "hate our freedom"

That facsist rat bastard George W. Bush said on 9/11/2001 that America was attacked by an enemy that "hated our freedoms". Well take a fucking look around you. You are no longer free to express your political opinion, no free speech. Thanks to the patriot act the USG can look at you medical, banking, library records, they can wiretap you (all without a warant). Monitor your friends and family. Prevent ANYONE from flying the friendy skies and if you can fly you get sexually assaulted or irradiated, trains, malls are next. Check points. Terror alerts constantly, wouldn't want the FEAR level to drop. They have authorized themselves to torture anyone they want without casue. The can kill anyone they want without cause or suspision. They just say "terrorist", bang your dead. Arrest without cause or warrant, no lawyer or habeus corpus. no evidence, no problem. Indefinite imprisonment without charge.
If the fictional enemy "hated our freedoms", then I guess that enemy has won. There are no more freedoms. Al qaeda is a creation of the CIA, so you can clearly see who the enemy is! And yes they have taken away freedom.

The terrorists in the District of Criminals have won (so far). There is no freedom.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Barrack insane Obama has been playing poker with us. He says he has a royal flush. After hiding his cards he proceeds to take the pot. What's wrong with this? EVERYFUCKINGTHING!
No body, no pictures, no video, nothing but hollow words. He tried to pass off a few really bad photoshopped pictures. Changed his story completely then puts out the stale bullshit of "trust us". In poker there is no trust there is proof. Roll your cards over and prove your claim of a winning hand or leave the pot alone. Message to Obama, retract your claim of killing OBL or show us proof.


This must become our mantra. Spread this message to every board on the Internet. Do not let up on the pressure. And another thing B.O. when are you going to learn that you can't re-kill a dead guy.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Davis Connection

This has all the hallmarks of an intelligence scam. No photos, body disposed of (not that there ever was one) a bag of rocks dumped in a white sheet. The story, like the, Kuwaiti incubator scam, Jessica Lynch scam, Pat Tillman assassination, WMD, lies that all began at the White House.

The timing and sloppiness with which this has been handled (at least information wise) by the WH suggests to me that they had to make up details as they went along. This is why they call it the (official) "narrative". Back up a few months ago and we have CIA agent ex blackwater, hitman, Raymond Davis in Lahore Pakistan rubs out two ISI agents. He gets caught with all kinds of gear pointing to his involvement with, you guessed it, CIA created "Al Qaeda".

Davis was giving nuclear bomb material to Al-CIAda, there is no Al-Qaeda:

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US.”
- Robin Cook, Former British Foreign Secretary

The US secured R. Davis's release just prior to the raid. He was based in Islamabad a few short kilometers from Abbattobad where the compound was located. If OBL were real and hiding there it would be the most unlikely place to hide. It is located 800 metres from the most prestigious MILITARY ACADEMY in Pakistan. It would make more sense if it was a CIA safehouse.
Again recently Al Qaeda announces nuclear weapons hidden in Europe and will use then if OBL is captured or killed. Why now? Statements attributed to Al Qaeda mirror that of the White House "narrative". Reason being they have the same CIA writer.

Monday, April 25, 2011

2 Trillon $

This can be a possible explanation for the FEMA prisoner guides being printed. The Central Bank of China is set to announce tomorrow that they intend to divest 2/3 of it's US dollar holdings (Treasury bills, meaning debt). They are effectively handing the US their walking papers. The rush to get out of US Treasury bills will be a stampede. Japan has a world of troubles from the earthquake and tsunami with 4 nuclear reactors and their spent fuel rod pools melting down, will have to follow suit. They cannot afford not to. The rest of the world that is carrying US debt will feel the same way. What this does is trigger hyperinflation. In essence what China is doing is offsetting the amount of US dollars that they have printed (in reality just a few key stokes of a computer at the Federal Reserve, a privately owned bank) and spread out it's exposure to the loss of purchasing power. This is the cause of rising food, oil and generally everything as the US is (was) the world's reserve currency. The IMF and World Bank was set up by the US so it is no small mystery that it is they that benefit from looting the nations of the world by enslaving them with their debt and stealing the natural resources. Afghanistan and Iraq have chewed up about 2 trillion in debt in the last 10 years. Afghanistan was and is the graveyard of empires. Britain, USSR and nor the US, the last empire to take and hold Afghanistan was Alexander the Great and he only held it for 3 years before retreating. The US decline has begun, stuff doesn't cost more the US dollar is just worth less each day. Unfortunately the Canadian dollar is joined at the hip with it. We shall see tomorrow. A word to my Friend Brian R. (Mr. sub-genius) I told you back in 2003 that when they removed the M3, (Fed talk for reporting how much US money is in circulation) that the end was approaching. They had to hide the fact of how bad the ponzi scheme was getting. It's here. I hate it when I am that right. Happy (FEMA) camping my American friends.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Prisoner's handbook

Okay kids, time to buckle up. The US government has ordered a rush shipment for printing up thousands of booklets for FEMA "detainees". Ordered on April 18, (yesterday) for delivery May 20, 2011. Expecting something are we?


Jacket Number: 735-378

Bid Opening Date: April 18, 2011.
Title: RPI 665, ROTC The Path to Leadership Booklet SOD11-650
Quantity: 250,102 copies (includes 50 QARC copies & 2 inspection copies)
Ship/Deliver Date: Contractor must make complete production and delivery by: First 50 copies to ATAL-SA/PRINT by 5/12/11 GPO QARCs & Chicago Inspection copies delivery by 5/20/11. Deliver Approx. 41,750 copies to approx. 281 destinations by 5/27/11 Shipping schedule to ADC (Estimated total pallet count is 84 pallets): 70,000 copies (1st partial shipment to ADC) on 5/20/11 70,000 copies (2nd partial shipment to ADC) on 6/10/11 68,250 copies (Remaining balance shipment to ADC) on 7/1/11. Contact the ADC, per below guidelines prior to ship date to ensure appointment is scheduled for delivery.

Jacket Number: 735-412/413

Bid Opening Date: 10:00 AM, PREVAILING CHICAGO, IL TIME, ON April 18, 2011.
Product: Paste-on-fold (self cover) Pamphlets (Spanish and English Versions).
Title: 735-412: National Detainee Handbook: Spanish 735-413: National Detainee Handbook: English
Quantity: 735-412: 221,367 (includes 2 GPO Chicago inspection samples) 735-413: 129,567 (includes 2 GPO Chicago inspection samples)
Ship/Deliver Date: MUST deliver complete on or before April 29 D, 2011.

Time to roll out that missing nuke from the Minot Barksdale incident?

The GPO took down the page right away. Where are all the DC boys vacationing in the coming weeks? Watch their travel plans. Bad very bad.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Get ready, False Flag Nuke

CBS is reporting of 25 letters sent to individuals about "Al Qaeda" planting 160 nuclear devices in America.

Complete with the picture of Osama bin dead (Dec 2001),to scare the American public into believing that a dead guy in a cave in the mountains of Afghanistan has the capacity to buy/manufacture, transport and place that much radioactive material around the US. If that one missile that went missing back in 2007 from Minot AFB happens to suddenly surface with a boom then they have a back story already packaged up. All set to usher in the new dark ages for the world. Remember what Senetor Bob Keary said, "it's a 30 year conspiracy". boom...